You have 7 calendar days to return an item from the date you received it only in case material is damaged. To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received in the original packaging and have the receipt of purchase. Please send email to or give us the call, so we can verify your request.
In case material delivered by our driver our third-party courier is in bad condition, please contact us immediately, so we can solve the issue quickly.
Once we accept your request, we will arrange the collection of damaged items and will inspect it. If your return is approved, we will arrange delivery of the new item or initiate a refund to your card or original method of payment up to 15 days in case we won’t be able to make a replacement.
Defective Machines and Equipment
For all our machines we have a guarantee period, which is mentioned in the description of the item on the website. In case of any machine not working properly during the guarantee period all cost of repairing will be free of charge. After the guarantee period the cost of repairing will be applicable.
Demo Machine Demonstration
In case you would like to check machine before purchasing we can arrange a demo demonstration in your company. Please contact us on by phone, email, or dedicated inquiry form, so we can arrange a demonstration for you.